All of our packages are shipped via USPS in 2 sealed bags. Once we have received your order, please allowed us 1-3 business days to have your order packaged and shipped out to you. We do appreciate your patience and your understanding.
We are not responsible for lost, stolen or seized packages. In the even if an unfortunate scenario was to occur, please email us and we will try our best to help you resolved the issue.
Along with the package, we will provide the proper documentations such as certificate of analysis for each individual strain within the package, legal notice to law enforcement stating that the products in the sealed bag are legal hemp in regard to the 2018 farm bill and other required warning labels as well.
Although our products are federally legal, there are some states however that we will not ship to because that particular state has their own laws and regulations in regard to our products and/or may be against them. And with this being said, please also double check with your local state, county and territory laws and regulations if our products are allowed before making any purchases.
As of right now we do not have the capability to restrict online sales in specific states and/or area however we are working on trying to figure out a way to implement that into store. Below is a list of states that we are currently not shipping to, and that list may be updated, and our decisions may change based on the laws and regulations of that area. Laws and regulations are rapidly changing in this industry, so we do try our best to follow them and update any changes that is needed.
And in regard to purchases and shipping, we do apologize in advance that if we do happened to come across an order that resides in the states and/or area listed below that we do not allow purchases to be made and our products to be shipped there, we will automatically cancel the order, issue a full refund and email you that a cancelation has been made on our part.
We apologize for any inconveniences, and we thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
As of right now we will not ship to the states listed below:
-Rhode Island
Currently, we are not accepting any international orders. We do apologize for this, and we do thank you in advance for your understanding.